最初の「産声が響く 無垢な闇の中」は、まっさらな世界に生まれ落ちた瞬間。地下0階から始まるこの旅は、まさに「人生のスタート地点」です。そこから、成長とともに深く潜っていく。「地下6階 泥んこになって駆け抜けた道」なんて、子供の頃の無邪気な日々を思い出しませんか?
でも、どんどん進むにつれて、夢や希望だけじゃなく、壁や葛藤とも向き合うことになる。「地下20階 初めての失敗に震える夜」では、人生で味わう挫折が描かれています。誰しも「この道でよかったの?」って不安になる瞬間ってありますよね。だけど、ここで止まるわけにはいかない。ダンジョンの中で立ち止まることは、前に進むことをやめるってこと。でも、「道を選ぶのは誰でもないさ 僕が僕を導くのさ」って言葉には、自分の足で進む覚悟が込められています。
そして、人生はどこまでも続く。「地下40階 家族を持ち 守るものが増え」ってところは、大人になって責任が増えていく段階。でも、「それでも心は何かを求め」っていうのがリアル。どんなに大人になっても、人は何かを求め続けるものだから。だからこそ、「まだ間に合う?」って過去の自分に問いかける場面があるんです。
そしてクライマックス、「地下59階 目の前に立つ黄昏の番人」。このダンジョンの終わりに待っているのは何なのか?「黄昏の向こうに何があろうと 最後に笑うのは僕でありたい」っていう言葉には、どんな道を選んだとしても、最後に自分で納得できる生き方をしたい、という願いを込めました。
Hello!This song is “an adventure story that likens life to a dungeon.” It depicts the journey of a protagonist who is born, grows, and keeps moving forward despite uncertainty—using the imagery of descending deeper underground. Life is like an endless dungeon. No one tells you which path is correct, what awaits ahead, or where you should go. But that’s precisely why you have to choose for yourself and move forward on your own.
The opening line, “A newborn cry echoes in the pure darkness,” represents the moment of birth into a brand-new world. The journey begins at B0F, symbolizing the starting point of life itself. From there, the descent continues with growth. Doesn’t “B6F – A path I ran through, covered in mud” remind you of the carefree, playful days of childhood?
But as you go deeper, it’s not just dreams and hopes—you start encountering obstacles and inner struggles as well. “B20F – A night trembling from my first failure” expresses the setbacks we experience in life. Everyone has moments of doubt, wondering, “Was this really the right path?” But stopping here isn’t an option. To stand still in a dungeon means giving up on moving forward. That’s why the lyrics say, “No one chooses the path but me—I will guide myself!” It’s a declaration of determination to keep going on one’s own feet.
And life continues indefinitely. “B40F – With a family, I have more to protect.” This stage represents adulthood, where responsibilities grow. But the line “Yet still, my heart longs for something” feels very real. No matter how much we mature, people continue seeking something more. That’s why there’s a moment where the protagonist asks their past self, “Is it still not too late?”
Then comes the climax: “B59F – The guardian of twilight stands before me.” What awaits at the end of this dungeon? The lyrics “No matter what lies beyond the twilight, I want to be the one who smiles in the end” carry a deep wish—to live in a way that, no matter what path you choose, you can accept and be proud of your journey in the end.
Life isn’t about following someone else’s answers—it’s about creating your own. That’s why “The future I choose will be the right one.” If this song can gently push you forward as you navigate your own path, I’d be truly happy.
So—how will you progress through your dungeon?
Here are the streaming videos on YouTube.
Coming Soon.
Coming Soon.
産声が響く 無垢な闇の中
(A newborn cry echoes in the pure darkness.)
まっさらな世界に 初めて触れた
(For the first time, I touched the pristine world.)
【地下0階】揺れるゆりかご 母の歌声
([B0F] A swaying cradle, my mother’s lullaby.)
([B3F] Tiny hands grasp at the sky.)
([B6F] A path I ran through, covered in mud.)
([B9F] A shadow smiles, saying, “You’ve grown.”)
(Was I born here?)
(The warmth still lingers.)
人生はダンジョン 迷いながら
(Life is a dungeon, wandering through.)
答え探して 進んでいく
(Searching for answers, I move forward.)
(At the place where light and shadow merge.)
(Will I find myself?)
いつか見た夢が 遠くで光る
(A dream I once saw shines in the distance.)
心の奥で 何かが弾けた
(Something bursts deep within my heart.)
([B10F] Believing, “I can become anything.”)
([B13F] Standing shoulder to shoulder with my first friend.)
【地下16階】胸の奥 誰かを想う痛み
([B16F] A pain deep in my heart, thinking of someone.)
([B19F] “Can I really become an adult?”)
青く揺れる この胸が
(This restless heart wavers in blue.)
(Still searching for an answer.)
人生はダンジョン 踏みしめながら
(Life is a dungeon, stepping forward.)
時の狭間を 潜っていく
(Diving through the gaps of time.)
(Leaving footprints on a path I can’t return to.)
(That will be my proof.)
憧れた景色に 今僕はいる
(Now, I stand in the scenery I once admired.)
(But… it’s not the future I imagined.)
([B20F] A night trembling from my first failure.)
([B23F] A dream I chase but cannot grasp.)
([B26F] A smile that vanished in the rush of life.)
([B29F] “Did I give up on myself?”)
いつからだろう 立ち止まることを・・・
(Since when did I fear stopping?)
(I kept running, afraid.)
人生はダンジョン 先が見えずとも
(Life is a dungeon, even if the way ahead is unclear.)
足を止めたら 終わりだから
(If I stop, it’s over.)
道を選ぶのは 誰でもないさ
(No one chooses the path but me.)
(I will guide myself!)
(The wind is cold…)
(Where am I?)
確かにあった光が 遠くなる
(The light I once saw is fading away.)
([B30F] One by one, my companions choose their paths.)
([B33F] Before I knew it, I was alone.)
【地下36階】仕事も恋も 満たされぬまま
([B36F] Neither work nor love has filled me.)
([B39F] A shadow whispers, “Was this the right choice?”)
(The more I search for the meaning of life,)
(The more the ground beneath me crumbles.)
人生はダンジョン 孤独の中で
(Life is a dungeon, in solitude.)
(I question the meaning of the path I chose.)
(The voice telling me to keep going,)
過去の僕か? 未来の僕か?
(Is it my past self? Or my future self?)
(Looking back, distant memories.)
(I have come this far, just moving forward…)
【地下40階】家族を持ち 守るものが増え
([B40F] With a family, I have more to protect.)
【地下43階】それでも心は 何かを求め
([B43F] Yet still, my heart longs for something.)
([B46F] Days spent facing my past self.)
([B49F] A shadow asks, “Is it still not too late?”)
(There is no answer anywhere.)
(Still, I have no choice but to move forward…)
人生はダンジョン 道の途中
(Life is a dungeon, still on the path.)
振り返るには まだ早すぎる
(It’s too soon to look back.)
(The future I choose will be the right one.)
(As long as I remain myself…)
変わり果てた 景色の中
(In the altered landscape,)
(My own shadow asks,)
([B50F] “Who are you?”)
([B53F] Regret tightens around my heart.)
([B56F] Still, I search for a reason to move forward.)
([B59F] The guardian of twilight stands before me.)
人生はダンジョン 終わりはない
(Life is a dungeon, there is no end.)
たどり着く場所は 僕が決める
(The place I reach is mine to choose.)
黄昏の向こうに 何があろうと
(No matter what lies beyond the twilight,)
最後に笑うのは 僕でありたい
(I want to be the one who smiles in the end.)
黄昏の番人が 静かに微笑んだ
(The guardian of twilight smiles gently.)
(Whispering, “You’ve come far.”)