最初は「ひとりキッチンで チョコ溶かして」っていう、ちょっとワクワクした気持ちから始まりますよね。ドキドキしながらラッピングする感じ、すごく共感できるし、「ねぇ うまくできたよ 見せたいな」っていうセリフがもう可愛すぎる!でも、そんな気持ちを伝えたいのに「なんてね 言えないよ」ってなっちゃうのがまたリアル。
しかも、「ホワイトデー期待してね (^^)v」って…これはもう完全に勝ち確じゃん!!ラストの「手をつなぐ二人の青春が始まった…」までの流れが、まさに少女漫画のワンシーンみたいで、ニヤニヤが止まりません!
Hello! This song is a heart-pounding youth anthem packed with the sweet and sour emotions of Valentine’s Day! It’s all about that feeling we’ve all experienced at least once—wanting to give chocolate to someone you like but struggling to find the courage to do it.
It starts with that little moment of excitement—“Melting chocolate alone in the kitchen.” Wrapping it up with a racing heart, feeling so proud of how well it turned out, thinking, “Hey, I did a great job! I want to show you!” But then… “Just kidding, I can’t say that.” That mix of confidence and hesitation is just so real.
Then, Valentine’s Day arrives!
Even though I could talk to him like always and say “Good morning!” like it’s nothing, I can’t stop thinking about the chocolate sitting in my bag. I had everything perfectly planned in my head, but when the moment comes, I can’t even breathe properly… That frustration of “I want to give it to him, but I just can’t!”—that’s the essence of youth, isn’t it?
But then, when I finally work up the courage to sneak the chocolate into his desk… it’s already stuffed with other chocolates. My heart sinks. I can’t help but whisper to myself, “Of course, he’s popular.” And in the end, I can’t bring myself to give it to him. My carefully made chocolate, my feelings—they both end up crumpled at the bottom of my bag. I’m sure a lot of people can relate to this moment.
But wait! A twist!!
As I’m walking home, I suddenly hear my name from behind… This is peak romance-comedy territory, and my heart is about to explode! Then he says, “Hey, were you trying to give me something today?” and I blurt out, “That’s way too sudden, not fair!!”—which, let’s be honest, is kinda cute. And when I finally hand him the chocolate, you can just feel the overwhelming relief and happiness.
And then… that one magic word: “Thanks.”
That’s all it takes to make my whole world sparkle.
And THEN he says, “Look forward to White Day! (^^)v”—I mean, that’s a guaranteed win, right?! The final moment, “Hand in hand, their youth begins…”—it’s like a scene straight out of a shoujo manga, and I can’t stop grinning!
This song captures everything about Valentine’s Day—the sweet, the bittersweet, and the pure happiness at the end. Even when you don’t have the courage, a little twist of fate can set your story in motion. It’s all about the magic of Valentine’s Day, wrapped up in a song.
I hope this song makes people go, “OMG, I totally get this!” or “I wish I had a moment like this in my youth!” If it makes even one person’s heart flutter, that would make me so happy! ♡
Here are the streaming videos on YouTube.
Coming Soon.
Coming Soon.
(Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day)
ひとりキッチンで チョコ溶かして
(Melting chocolate alone in the kitchen)
ドキドキ ハートに ラッピング
(Wrapping it with my pounding heart)
ねぇ うまくできたよ 見せたいな
(Hey, it turned out great. I want to show you.)
なんてね 言えないよ
(But… I can’t say that out loud)
(Today is Valentine’s Day)
(In our elementary school classroom)
「おはよう!」って いつも通り話せたのに
(I said “Good morning!” to you as usual, but…)
(Hey, why is that?)
カバンの中 チョコが ずっと 熱くなるの
(The chocolate in my bag keeps getting hot)
(I’ve rehearsed it over and over)
(I was supposed to casually hand it to you)
(But I can’t seem to breathe right)
(I can’t figure out the timing)
君の机に そっと近づいた
(I quietly approached your desk)
チョコを入れようと のぞいたら
(When I peeked in to slip the chocolate inside)
小さな袋が ぐぎゅうぎゅうで
(There was a little bag, jam-packed)
リボンもカードも いっぱいイッパイで
(Filled with ribbons and cards galore)
(“Of course, you really are popular…” I murmured in my heart)
(And then… I couldn’t put my chocolate in…)
好きだよ だけど 伝えられなくて
(I like you, but I can’t tell you)
(Even though I made this chocolate just for you)
どうしてだろう? 渡せなくて
(Why is that? I just can’t give it to you)
(I clutched it tightly in my pocket)
この気持ちも しぼんじゃいそう・・・
(My feelings are about to shrivel, too…)
(“I knew I couldn’t give it to you after all…”)
(I murmured quietly as I walked home)
カバンの奥で くしゃっとなる
(In the bottom of my bag, it’s getting squished)
(Along with my feelings and the chocolate)
(Then… I heard someone calling my name from behind)
振り向いたら そこに君がいた
(I turned around, and there you were)
(“Hey, did you want to give me something today?” you asked)
「唐突過ぎて ズルいよ!」と私の声
(“That’s so sudden… Not fair!” I replied)
渡せた ほんとは 怖かった
(I managed to give it to you, though I was really scared)
君の手のひらに 小さなチョコ
(A tiny chocolate in your hand)
「サンキュ」って 君のそのひとことで
(With that single word, “Thanks,”)
世界がきらめく 気がしたんだ
(I felt like the whole world was shining)
ねぇ これって なんていうの?
(Hey, what do you call this feeling?)
(Is it just desire?)
チョコの魔法で ほんのチョコっと
(A little magic from chocolate)
ふたりの距離 近づいたよね?
(It brought us just a little closer, right?)
「ホワイトデー期待してね (^^)v 」と君は言う
(“Look forward to White Day (^^)v,” you said)
(“Okay♡,” I answered…)
(And so began our youth, walking hand in hand…)